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Is it worth buying a garden shredder?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Last Updated on March 18, 2021 by Forest Master

I think of gardening much in the same way I think of (bear with me on this one) steaks. Now, you probably think I’m mad, but when you ask “is it worth buying a garden shredder,” I think “Is it worth buying a good steak.” Because sure, you can get a supermarket value-branded one and eat it at home. But, would it taste or feel the same as a 5* Michelin dining experience in a fancy restaurant. No, it wouldn’t. Because you get out what you put in – and the same applies to your garden.

Moreover, steaks orders (much like gardens) are as individual as the person creating them. How can you compare a rarely cooked to a well-done steak – you can’t. In the same way, you can’t compare a much-loved garden with all the tools necessary to a wild unkempt jungle (and who wants an unkempt jungle). If you want a Michelin starred garden, you’ll get out what you put in, and you should definitely put in a garden shredder. If you want a tidy, nutrient-rich and cost-effective garden – a garden shredder does that. Read on to find out more.

garden shredder, buying, renting, mulch, forest master

Is It Worth Buying a Garden Shredder than Renting?

In short, yes. Think, if you’re renting a shredder for £50 at a time. Say you need to use it 3 times a year, that’s £150. Now, over a 5 year period, you’re looking at a whopping £750. Furthermore, factor-in convenience (think returning the machine in a certain time frame), having no control over the quality of the machine (what if it breaks down mid-use) and having to build up your waste over the months (imagine doing it as you please.) Suddenly that £50 a turn doesn’t seem like such a good deal does it?

Moreover, much in the same way as a steak (ironically I’m vegetarian) the more you invest, the more you get out. You could get a bargain buy garden shredder from a local supermarket. Much in the same way you could get a steak from a run-down pub. Or, invest a bit more and get a top-notch, perfectly cooked steak in a fabulous environment. In the same way, you can invest in a reliable shredder that won’t block and can handle thicker branches. Rather than a cheap model that’s more effort than it’s worth. Better yet, imagine it could also become a wood chipper – ours can do that! (check it out here).

How do I choose a shredder? Is it worth investing in?

As Which say “Don’t settle for a poor-performing shredder that’s constantly blocking and fails to shred branches properly.” They believe have a good shredder should bear the following in mind:

  • Easy Waste: it should make light work of easy-to-shred items
  • Difficult Waste: it should be able to handle conifer prunings
  • Efficiency: it should be easy to manoeuvre
  • Safety: safety is king, as such it electrical and mechanical standards should be met.

Which says if you’re going to invest, the machine should “have some tricks up its sleeve.” Why invest in a boring machine that does half the job. Worse yet, a cheap machine that blocks all of the time. Check out our blog on what we believe is the must-have Mulching tool.

Speaking of mulch, as you’re well aware here at Forest Master we love it. It truly helps ease a whole host of problems while providing these benefits:

  • Helps suppress weeds
  • Locks in moisture
  • Keeps your plants warm in the winter & cool in the summer
  • Deters pests such as slugs or snails
  • Makes your beds look tidy
  • Breaks down and feeds your plants

Want to improve your mulch? Tree chippings do just that by helping the process along quicker. This is why we designed our market-leading shredder to also chip wood – it offers the best of both. Want to make the most out of your garden leaves?

Is it worth buying a garden shredder, mulch, mulching, garden

Is it worth buying a garden shredder, what can you do with them?

If you’re wondering is it worth buying a garden shredder? Think, how much money do you spend on mulch or compost? How many times have you paid for someone to not only service your garden but remove the trimmings? Shredding allows you to reuse your waste, while wood chippings and shavings enable you to tidy and style your outdoor home.

Moreover, by reusing you’re not having to pay for waste collection. Also, with a good piece of kit, you can share the love with both your plants and your pals. Have you ever considered renting it out? Or just be everyone’s best friend with a shredder to match – the possibilities are endless!

By having your own shredder you avoid having to go to the tip (avoiding making your car a tip in the process.) You don’t have to annoy your neighbours by burning your trimmings or be at the mercy of the council’s green waste programme. It puts you back in charge, while tidying up the garden and who doesn’t love that.

garden mulcher, petrol mulching machine

What’s the best garden shredder?

Now, like everything in life, you get what you pay for. And, if you’ve learnt anything from this blog it’s that gardens (much like steaks) are as individual as you. Why? Because it depends on where you place value. If you place emphasis on cost then you won’t get fine dining. Similarly, if you want the best, you’ll have to invest; top of the range ain’t cheap and cheerful. But do you know what is top of the range with a bargain price tag – our garden shredder.

It has a massive 6hp engine with an unbeatable 3600 rpm. Mulch any and all garden waste, you can even throw paper in there! It’s lightweight and compact while also packing a real punch; gone are the days where size mattered. It’s been stressed tested, so anything you can throw at it – we already have!

The innovative, market-leading product doesn’t stop there! Nope. It’s a 2 in 1 design that enables you to both shred and chip your garden waste! This 2 in 1 solution not only helps create better mulch, quicken up the mulching process and tidy up your garden. But, it provides ultimate flexibility to switch between the two whenever you see fit! Incredible right? Want to see more – of course, you do! Check it out here.

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One comment

  1. I was looking for articles on mulchers, clicked on yours and I just want to say to whoever wrote this, I love your writing style! One of the best articles I’ve read in a while. Good balance of usefulness and humour, with a touch of advertising (because we all need to make money). Gold!

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